My account

Account functions & features

  1. Add / Remove bolt-ons.
  2. View your itemised usage.
  3. View your used and remaining service allowance.
  4. Set usage alerts.
  5. View your device rental info, monthly charge and date of final payment.
  6. View bills.
  7. Pay bills.
  8. Update account details.
  9. Test your network performance with our built in SpeedChecker.
  10. Use ‘Parental Controls’ tool to manage your home network.
  11. Live Chat.


Create an account

  1. Head to the JT My Account portal by typing into an open web browser.
  1. Click ‘Register account’.
  1. Enter the following details:
  2. a. Your JT Account number
    b. Surname as it appears on your bill
    c. A number listed on your account (Mobile or Landline)
    d. Your email address
    e. Create a password
  1. Click ‘Register’.
  1. If you have entered a mobile number, you will receive a text message with a PIN number. Please enter this on the next page and click ‘Confirm’. If you have entered a Landline number, you will receive an Email with a PIN number. Please enter this on the next page and click ‘Confirm’.

You have now successfully created your JT My Account portal account.


Forgotten password

  1. Head to the JT My Account Portal by typing into an open web browser.
  2. Click ‘Forgot Password’.
  3. Enter the email address you used to set up the account initially.
  4. If you have set up a security question, you can use the ‘Answer secret question and reset password function’. Simply answer your secret question correctly to reset your password.
  5. If you have not set up a security question, please use the ‘Send me a pin via email’ function. This will send you an email with a four-digit PIN. Please enter this on the next page along with a new password and click ‘Recover’.
  6. You will then be logged in with your new password.


Delete digital account

  1. Head to the app
  2. Click the menu icon
  3. Click ‘Account settings
  4. Click ‘Delete account‘ and follow the prompts


Creating a JT Customer Self-Serve account

Follow these simple steps to register for a JT My Account portal account.

Forgot your JT Customer Self-Serve account password?

Head to the JT My Account portal and follow these steps to reset your password and regain access to your account.

How to add/remove a bolt-on in the JT Customer Self-Serve account

Enhance your service with a value-packed bolt-on or remove an existing one via the JT My Account portal.

How to view Bill Itemisations in the JT Customer Self-Serve account

Learn how you can view each of your bill items on your JT My Account portal account.

How to setup a service Usage Alert in the JT Customer Self-Serve account

Access your JT My Account portal account and enable an alert when you’ve reached certain limits on your service.

How to view your monthly usage plan and allowances in the JT Customer Self-Serve account

Access your JT My Account portal account and review your plan usage.