My JT App
What’s new?
We have listened to our customer feedback and are working hard to make it easier for customers to manage their JT services themselves.
Our customers told us…
- I want to be able to manage a family member’s Pay-As-You-Go account as well as my own home services in one place.
- I want to be able to manage more than one JT account from one App.
- What’s my account number? I don’t know it so signing up for the App is difficult.
- I want to be able to add and remove bolt-ons through the App.
So with ‘My JT’ App and online portal you can…
- Manage Pay-As-You-Go and Pay-Monthly services from one App.
- Link multiple JT accounts from one App.
- Register using only your name and email address to get your new JT ID.
- Add and remove bolt-ons, plus manage and view shared data without needing to call us or come in store.
Account functions & features
- Manage Pay-As-You-Go and Pay-Monthly services from one App
- Link multiple JT accounts from one App
- Add and remove bolt-ons
- Manage and view shared data
- View device contract details
- View bills and usage activity
- Pay bills and manage billing preferences
- Update account details and manage settings
- In-App livechat with our JTHelp team
Create an account
Need to create a JT ID?
Download ‘My JT’ app from the App Store or visit and Click ‘Register’.
Enter your name and email address.
Link your JT services.
Already have a JT ID?
Open your My JT app or go to and type in your JT ID and password.
Forgotten your JT ID?
Reset it online by selecting the ‘Forgotten Password’ link.
Can I use the same log-in details for my My JT App and online portal?
Yes, once you have your JT ID it will enable you to access your online account through the My JT App or via the website at
Where can I register for my new JT ID?
Through the ‘My JT’ App or online at
Once you’ve registered through one, you can easily log-in using your JT ID to the other too.
Can I add a family member’s JT services to my My JT?
Yes, you can link services on other JT accounts to your My JT to help you manage them from one central place.
Log-in to your My JT and click ‘Add an Account’ when you’re prompted to select the account you wish to log into.
You’ll then be asked to enter the mobile or landline number from the JT account you wish to link to your My JT, a verification PIN will then be sent to the owner of the number you’ve given and once that’s verified you’ll have that JT account linked to your My JT.
Is the ‘My JT’ App free?
Yes. To download it, visit your App Store on your device and search ‘My JT’.
You will need mobile data, or Pay-As-You-Go credit, to download and access both the App and online portal.
Can I use the App to top up a Pay-As-You-Go service as well as see my pay monthly home broadband?
Yes, once you have your JT ID you can log-in and link multiple JT services so that you can manage them all from one App.
Can more than 1 person have the My JT app to view the same JT account?
Yes! We recognise that often there’s more than one person in a household or family that needs to be able to view and manage usage and activity of the JT services used by other family members.
Anyone can register for a JT ID with their name and email address. As part of the set-up process, they’ll be prompted to enter a mobile or landline number on the account they wish to be able to manage. There is then a multi-factor authentication step where a verification PIN is sent to the mobile number entered, or the email on the JT account if a landline number is entered, so this verification step can only be passed successfully if the person setting up their My JT has access to that mobile or email account.
For example, in a family scenario, both parents can have the My JT app on their devices so they can both manage and view the usage and activity of all mobiles on the JT account. Further to this, if one of the parents for example wanted to add their parent’s number or JT account (Pay As You Go or Pay Monthly) to their My JT then they can do that too and only they will see it through their My JT App; just follow the steps to ‘link account’.