Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

The terms and conditions of service relating to all JT’s current products and services can be found in the relevant sections below. Terms and conditions of service are important and should be read carefully before applying for the product or service they relate to.

Information regarding ICB Service (effective from 22/04/2013)
We have recently barred international call forwarding as unfortunately there have recently been cases where some of our customers have been the victims of fraud. Telecommunications fraud is a global concern that can affect any business or individual, regardless of its provider or location where unauthorised third parties gain access to a fixed or mobile service, and then place costly long-distance calls directly through the service they have gained access to. This is sadly an issue across the Channel Islands where individuals are being targeted by organised crime gangs. As a responsible provider we have taken steps to protect our customers by barring the international call forwarding facility, which will significantly help to prevent further fraud occurring. Should any customers specifically require this functionality we are able to open up this service on an individual basis.

  Advertising and Listing (effective from 19/12/18) Covering all advertising and listings purchased from JT including classified advertising and JT Insight.

  Apps (effective 29/02/24)
All apps provided by JT, including the JT Directory app and the JT Insight app.

  Business Continuity Services (effective 19/12/18)
Covering all business continuity services.

  Colocation (effective from 29/02/24)
Our colocation service.

  Data Services (Jersey) (effective from 10/09/24) Data Services (Guernsey) (effective from 10/09/24)
Covering all data and networking services, broadband services, internet access services (except JustConnect) and private circuits.An SLA schedule describes the performance we will aim to achieve for our Internet Backbone and Private Circuit Services.

  DDoS Mitigation Service (effective 19/12/18)
JT Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Mitigation Service.

  Disaster Recovery (effective 19/12/18)
Covering all disaster recovery services.

  Equipment Purchase (effective 29/02/24)
Relating to all equipment purchased from JT including but not limited to: Telephone Accessories, Handsets and other personal electronic devices (including by JT Pay Monthly plan), Caller Display Equipment, Fax, Answering Machines, Cordless phones, Payphones, Comcare, PABXs (including key systems and peripherals), Call loggers, Recorders, UPS, voicemail systems, LAN / WAN switching and routing, Modems and datacomms, Video Conferencing, Phonecards and Structured Cabling

  Equipment Rental (effective 29/02/24)
Covering all Customer Premises Equipment rented from JT, including but not limited to: Telephone Accessories & handsets, Caller Display Equipment, Fax, Answering Machines, Cordless phones, Payphones, Comcare, PABXs (including key systems and peripherals, call loggers, recorders, voicemail systems & UPS), Video Conferencing, LAN / WAN switching & routing modems and datacomms.

  Exchange Line Services (effective from 10/09/24)
Relating to all telephone lines, payphone lines, SIP services and advanced telephone services. An SLA schedule describes the performance we will aim to achieve for our Exchange lines.

  General Services (effective 19/12/18)
Covering structured cabling, extension wiring, system reprogramming, customer training, repairs to customer-owned equipment and any installation, maintenance, repair, engineering, technical or other services provided by JT (or our appointed agents) where more specific JT terms and conditions are not already in force.

  JT Fair Usage Policy (effective 26/09/23)

  JT Lab (effective 19/12/18)
Relating to all services provided by JT Lab.

  JT OnePoint (effective 19/12/18)
Covering all JT OnePoint hosted office solutions.

  JT Wi-Fi health Check (effective 24/05/19)

  JT Total Wi-Fi (Homepass) (effective 18/04/2023)

  JT Total Wi-Fi (Workpass) (effective 18/04/2023)

  Just Connect (effective 19/12/18)
Covering our JustConnect Internet access service.

  Lift & Alarm Lines (effective 02/03/2018)
A service description covering our Lift & Alarm Line service.

  Local Number Search (effective from 05/04/18)
Covering the white pages online service provided through jtglobal.com, jtdirectory.com and jtinsight.com.

  Meraki consolidated T&C’s, SLA & policies

  Microsoft Online Services (effective 11/11/2024

  Number Translation (effective 19/12/18)
Relating to all the following services: 0845 local call rate, 0800 freefone and premium rate.

  Off Island (effective 19/12/18)
Covering off island circuits.

  Pre-paid mobile phone service (including Travel eSIM) (effective 21/11/23)

  Post-paid mobile services (effective 10/09/24)
Relating to all our pre-paid mobile telephone services, all post-paid mobile telephone services and all mobile telephone facilities including handsets, Fax & Data, Text Messaging, GPRS, SMS, MMS, WAP, Text to email, Data only service, voicemail and message manager service. An SLA schedule describes the performance we aim to achieve.

  Professional and Engineering Services (effective 11/11/2024

  Repair Service (effective 27/01/12)
Covering all JT repairs.

  Security Monitoring (effective 12/07/24)

  Security Testing and Scanning (effective 14/02/24)

  Service Level Agreements (effective 01/01/23)
Service Level Agreements apply as standard to any of the services described in the schedules on this page, or where a schedule has been provided directly to any customer in connection with a specific product or service.

  Support/Maintenance Contracts (effective 29/02/24)
Covering all our support and maintenance services. An SLA schedule describes the performance we aim to achieve for our support services.

  Website (effective from 05/04/18)
Relating to all the websites provided by JT, including jtglobal.com and jtinsight.com.