Reporting and Governance

Transparent Reporting and Governance
Transparent Reporting and Governance

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JT has committed to providing transparent reporting on our progress over the next 10 years and will continue to ensure that every decision we make is aligned to supporting a long-term sustainable future for our business and local community. Sustainability continues to be an important feature in corporate governance,  demonstrated by updating our Articles of Association to include our legal commitment to creating a positive impact on society and the environment and considering the interests of all our stakeholders. Our 10-year strategy is supported by accreditations and reporting mechanisms to ensure longevity, collaboration and success in all we do.

Governance driving
Long-term Shareholder Value

Sustainability considerations are embedded throughout our governance structure, with JT's Board of Directors responsible for the approval and oversight of our Sustainability Strategy.

The effective management of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) risks is included within our Corporate Risk register which is reviewed by the Audit and Risk  Committee, approved by the Board, and externally audited.

Our Sustainability ambitions and goals are supported by policies and procedures that ensure we are asking the right questions when making business decisions, from selecting our suppliers, to  embarking on new projects to develop our business.

Reporting and Stakeholder engagement

Our Carbon Footprint (Scopes 1, 2 and 3) is reported and externally audited each year. We have formally committed to a Science Based Target to reduce our emissions and have developed metrics to track progress and help us create realistic pathways to a Net Zero target. 

As well as publishing our footprint within our Annual Report, we report our environmental data via the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the gold standard for corporate environmental reporting. We are also a member of Ecovadis, a global supplier sustainability rating platform, where we have retained a Silver rating, putting us in the top 25% of suppliers.

In 2023 we will carry out a materiality assessment, engaging with a broad range of stakeholders to understand our outward impacts on the economy, environment, and society, including those on human rights.  As well preparing JT for future reporting requirements, this process increases accountability and enhances transparency on our contribution to sustainable development.  

Ensuring transparent Tax principles that we will follow in all communities that we serve

JT will pay its fair share of taxes in the communities where we create value

JT will only use business structures that are driven by commercial considerations, are aligned with business activity and which have genuine substance.

JT will develop cooperative relationships with tax authorities, based on mutual respect, transparency and trust.  

What we’ve done so far...

Sustainability Committe

Launched JT’s Sustainability Committee

Carbon Trust

Carbon Trust

Worked with the Carbon Trust to calculate and baseline our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emission footprints, using data from across our jurisdictions.
Board decision making

Our Board decision making

Processes are in compliance with S.172(1)(a) to (f) of the Companies Act 2006, which states that a director must consider, amongst other factors, the impact a decision will have on the community and environment.

By creating a 10 year strategy we have both a vision and framework to operate against and a way to monitor progress.